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Indigenous Religions Continue to Exist Today

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    • creation myths
      • Pan Gu

        In creation myth: Nature and significance

        …expression in archaic or "primitive" societies, often related to ritual presentation, is modelled on the structure of the cosmogonic myth. The masks, dances, and gestures are, in one way or another, aspects of the structure of the cosmogonic myth. This meaning may also extend to the tools that people…

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    • death
      • miracles
        • prophecy
          • In prophecy: Prophetic movements and figures in the religions of nonliterate cultures

            In many nonliterate cultures, especially those of Africa, shamans, seers, and prophets are quite common. The same distinction between technical divination and charismatic prophecy is to be found in those cultures as in the ancient Middle East. When it is possible to trace…

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        • revelation
          • Ramanuja, bronze sculpture, 12th century; from a Vishnu temple in Tanjore district, India.

            In revelation: Religions of nonliterate cultures

            In nonliterate cultures, revelation is frequently identified with the experience of supernatural power (mana) in connection with particular physical objects, such as stones, amulets, bones of the dead, unusual animals, and other objects. The sacred or holy is likewise believed to be present in sacred trees,…

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        • sacredness
          • In sacred: Sacred–profane and other dichotomies

            Similarly, the Polynesian tapu ("tabu") designated something as not "free" for common use. It might be someone or something specially blessed because it was full of power, or it might be something accursed, as a corpse. Whatever was tabu had special restrictions around it, for it was…

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        regional practices

          • California Indians
            • Distribution of California Indians

              In California Indian: Religion

              Native California's traditional religious institutions were intensely and intimately associated with its political, economic, social, and legal systems. Frequently the priests, shamans, and ritualists in a community organized themselves around one of two religious systems: the Kuksu in the north and the Toloache in…

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          • nomadic cultures
            • Tarasco Indian handicrafts

              In primitive culture: The Plains Indians

              Religion among the Plains Indians reflected the varying sources of the original religions of the pre-horse tribes. Some elements, however, became widespread in the Plains. The folk hero of a great many myths was the trickster Old Man Coyote. There was a widespread concept of…

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            • Tarasco Indian handicrafts

              In primitive culture: Herding societies

              They also add to their religious organization a hierarchical principle together with the content known as ancestor worship. Much of the mythology by which a primitive people explains itself and its customs comes in this way to have an ingredient familiar to readers of the Old Testament—the lengthy story of…

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          • Plateau Indians
            • Distribution of North American Plateau Indians

              In Plateau Indian: Belief systems

              Religion was, like the rest of the culture, closely intertwined with the region's ecology. Plateau religions shared several features with indigenous North American religions in general, most notably in their emphases on animism, shamanism, and individual communion with the spirit world.

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              • altars
                • St. Josaphat Catholic Church: altar

                  In altar

                  In primitive religions a stone or heap of stones or a mound of earth probably sufficed for this purpose. With the development of the institution of sacrifice in sanctuaries and temples, more elaborate altars were built of stone or brick on which the victim was killed…

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              • drug use
                • In drug cult

                  …in the amazement felt by primitives on accidentally finding and ingesting plants with hallucinogenic properties while foraging for food; this view is not held by most scholars of religion.

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              • feast and festival
                • In feast: The significance of seasonal renewal in prehistoric times

                  Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) peoples from about 30,000–10,000 bc as well as contemporary peoples such as the Aboriginals in Australia and New Guinea, have celebrated various rites in which feasts have assumed positions of significance. Seasonal variations—important in the maintenance of the food supply—were associated with the…

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              • masks
                • Carnival mask

                  In mask: Social and religious uses

                  …masks invariably were prescribed by tradition, as were their uses. This type of mask was often associated with secret societies, especially in Africa, where the greatest range of types and functions can be found. They were also widely used among Oceanic peoples of the South Pacific and among American Indians.

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              • monasticism
                • monasticism

                  In monasticism: Nature and significance

                  Nonliterate societies cannot have monastic institutions, because the monastic responds to an established written body of religious doctrine, which has undergone criticism and then generated countercriticism in a dialectic process that presupposes a literate, codified manipulation of the doctrine. The monastic founders and their successors…

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              • prayer
                • Charles Sprague Pearce: Religion

                  In prayer: Religions of nonliterate peoples

                  Prayer is one of the most ancient expressions of religion. The practices and rites of contemporary tribal peoples might offer a glimpse into remnants of earlier forms of religious behaviour. An adherent of a tribal religion is aware of his dependency…

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              • priesthood
                • Priest worshiping the Ādi Granth

                  In priesthood: The priest and his office

                  In preliterate society the functions are accomplished by ritual experts who are trained in the special knowledge and techniques of magico-religious disciplines in which sacred power is believed to be inherent. They also are trained in disciplines that enable them to gain a supernormal psychic knowledge…

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              • public health
                • polio vaccine

                  In public health: Beginnings in antiquity

                  Most of the world's ancient peoples practiced cleanliness and personal hygiene, often for religious reasons, including, apparently, a wish to be pure in the eyes of their gods. The Bible, for example, has many adjurations and prohibitions about clean and unclean living. Religion, law, and custom were inextricably interwoven.…

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              • purification rites
                • In purification rite: General concepts

                  …concerns: Hinduism, Judaism, and certain tribal groups such as the Lovedu of South Africa or the Yurok of northern California in the United States seem highly pollution-conscious, whereas among other peoples pollution concerns are relatively isolated and occasional. Even within the so-called pollution-conscious cultures, attitudes toward the cultural regulations may…

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              • religious dress
                • Buddhist monk

                  In religious dress

                  …in nonliterate and in tribal religions; such practices in shamanism have been widely observed in Arctic and Siberian regions. The use of a substitute skin in religious ritual is also explicit in the cultic actions of some advanced cultures, such as in the rite of the Aztec maize goddess Chicomecóatl.…

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              • ritual
                • Sigmund Freud

                  In ritual: The origin approach

                  The use of the terms primitive religion and primitive cultures comes from this approach in seeking an answer to the meaning of ritual, myth, and religion. Various cultures and rituals were singled out, sacrifice of either men or animals becoming one of the main topics for speculation, though the exact…

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              • sacraments
                • In sacrament: Sacramental ideas and practices in preliterate societies

                  The well-being of primitive society, in fact, demands the recognition of a hierarchy of values in which the lower is always dependent on the higher and in which the highest is regarded as the transcendental source of values outside and above mankind and the natural order. To partake…

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              • treatment of disease and epidemic
                • Edward Jenner: smallpox vaccination

                  In history of medicine: Early medicine and folklore

                  These were of supernatural origin. They might be the result of a spell cast upon the victim by some enemy, visitation by a malevolent demon, or the work of an offended god who had either projected some object—a dart, a stone, a worm—into the body of the victim…

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              theological structures

              • Raphael: detail from School of Athens

                In theology: The religious significance of theology

                In primitive religions the tribe represents the pivot around which all worldly relations turn. The primeval (or mythical) time to which the tribe traces its own origins is also the time of salvation and fulfillment. Therefore, primitive religions primarily concern themselves with the ancestral cult. Involved…

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              • nature worship
                • Charles Sprague Pearce: Religion

                  In nature worship

                  Among the indigenous peoples of many countries, the concept of nature as a totality is unknown; only individual natural phenomena—e.g., stars, rain, and animals—are comprehended as natural objects or forces that influence them and are thus in some way worthy of being venerated or placated. Nature as…

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              • tribal practice
                • Charles Sprague Pearce: Religion

                  In study of religion: Basic aims and methods

                  …opposition to such institutionalized religions, tribal religion, for example, is not usually separately institutionalized but in effect is the religious side of communal life and is not treated as distinct from other things that go on in the community.

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