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What to Do With Baby Fish You Don't Want

Kathy is a freelance writer for Textbroker, Verblio, and Constant Content and published author in Neon Rainbow Magazine.

Huge goldfish are not found naturally in steams, lakes or rivers. When they are found there, they are considered to be an invasive species.

Huge goldfish are not found naturally in steams, lakes or rivers. When they are constitute there, they are considered to be an invasive species.

Dumped Fish Become Invasive Species

In 2013, a gigantic and foreign-looking fish was found in Lake Tahoe here in Nevada. This fish is not native to Lake Tahoe, and then researchers needed to figure out how information technology got there. This monstrous fish was over 1 1/ii feet long and weighed over four pounds, which is a size nearly unheard of for a goldfish.

When I think of goldfish, I call back of a tiny fish swimming forth in a bowl. Pet fish are usually acquired as companions and teach kids how to treat some other living thing. At other times when I retrieve of goldfish, I think of playing a game at a funfair when I was a kid and winning the prize of a tiny goldfish. I don't remember of gigantic, gargantuan goldfish that almost take on the proportions of sea monsters. Seeing a gigantic goldfish pictured in the local paper was scary!

Researchers gathered at Lake Tahoe to try to find out if in that location were more than goldfish in the lake. Imagine their surprise to find at least 15 of them swimming around in a corner area of the lake! The only possible caption, since vivid orange goldfish are NOT native to Lake Tahoe, is that aquarium owners and other fish owners were dumping these fish into the lake. Yes, the gathering of these goldfish proved that the fish were spawning and gathering in schools.

The Dangers of "Freeing" Your Fish

The trouble with this is that these fish are non indigenous to lakes. When they are present in a lake, they will disrupt the entire ecosystem. So, as pet owners, we have to stop letting "goldie" go in the lake or in a river or stream when we don't want them anymore. People who do this may recollect they are doing a good thing, kind of like "Free Willy" on a smaller scale, similar "Costless Goldie."

They might think the fish will have a long and happy life pond in this huge area of h2o with plenty to eat, other fish to play with, and sunshine. The reality is, fish released into waterways are in danger from things like not being able to observe something to eat, being eaten by larger fish, or being exposed to diseases they would never take been exposed to if they had lived out their lives in their goldfish bowl or aquarium.

What researchers plant hither at Lake Tahoe is that goldfish are non the only species of fish that are not normally found in the lake. There are other more exotic types of fish likewise, fish that do non belong there and are another sign that a trend called "aquarium dumping" is taking place.

Aquarium Dumping Is Pervasive and Subversive

In a recent study, it was plant that anywhere from 20 percent to 70 percent of aquarium owners in Texas have taken part in aquarium dumping. Not merely practise these fish excrete some types of nutrients that tin can crusade harmful algae, simply they can also consume species of fish that were there to begin with, causing a disruption in the ecosystem.

The aquarium trade throughout the earth is partly responsible for this invasion of species that do not vest in these natural bodies of water. Those who own fish, as well as those who import them, accept brought these non-native species of fish to these waters. The introduction of strange species tin bring about problems like breeding with other fish to create a new, more destructive brood.

Fish Aren't the Just Problem

These invaders are not limited to goldfish. They also include snails, tropical fish, and types of seaweed that do not belong in these waters. In fact, one blazon of seaweed known as Caulerpa was introduced. This harmful algae was able to produce compounds that were toxic and resulted in the deaths of many fish. A huge project to get rid of his harmful algae took place in the lagoons of southern California.

Another gigantic goldfish found by someone in a pond. I don't think they are meant to ever get this big!

Some other gigantic goldfish establish by someone in a swimming. I don't think they are meant to ever go this large!

Why Do People Dump Their Fish?

One of the biggest questions in all of this is why practise people dump fish in the kickoff place if they don't desire them whatever more?

  • The fish is likewise aggressive: I of the biggest reasons is that a fish has become aggressive, attacking other fish in the aquarium and the owner wants to be rid of the fish.
  • The fish is besides big: Another reason is that the fish have become too big for the aquarium. In this case, owners often don't know what else to do with them.
  • The fish is no longer wanted: A tertiary possible reason may be that the owner has simply tired of having an aquarium or has moved to a new home or apartment and tin't have it in their new residence.
  • The fish is ill: Ane more reason may exist that the fish is exhibiting signs of being sick, and the owner wishes to be rid of information technology. This is probably the most dangerous time to always consider aquarium dumping considering of the furnishings this ill fish could have on the population of good for you fish already present in the lake or stream.

The Dangers of Flushing Fish

Aquarium owners and those who continue fish every bit pets are brash to never dump fish for any reason. This includes flushing them down a toilet. Nosotros might have heard the jokes about flushing goldie, only that is never a adept thought. A sick fish can introduce harmful elements similar the illness itself that it was affected by or harmful parasites into the water and who wants to use a toilet knowing these are in the water? I know the thought of that creeps me out!

That and the fact that flushing fish could be considered inhumane. Nobody really knows if a fish is capable of feeling hurting and there are some who even believe it is roughshod to dispose of fish in this way.

Read More From Pethelpful

The Dangers of Releasing Fish Into the Wild

The other common way to get rid of unwanted fish is to let them go in a lake, stream or river. This might seem to be a natural way, but it isn't and can be harmful to the ecosystem of the h2o that the fish are existence released into.

Parents might be faced with kids upset that fish are being tending of and may decide to tell them that if they are let go in a swimming, lake or stream that "we can go visit them!" This would be a natural solution if the type of fish beingness released into the h2o already lived there naturally. There aren't natural goldfish, and many aquarium fish are not plant naturally in these freshwater places either.

  • The fish will likely die: If a fish is naturally a saltwater fish, it will die in fresh water. Some aquarium fish are not fifty-fifty indigenous to the United states of america, then to release them into waterways is irresponsible and potentially harmful. Not only that, but things like improper h2o temperature can kill them, or they can be killed by larger predatory fish.
  • If it survives, the fish may threaten native fish and wild fauna: Fish that do survive these obstacles and grow to become huge fish cause other bug. They can become destructive past killing other fish or even past killing wild fauna. They can likewise bring with them new parasites that never would take been in the water if they hadn't been released into the body of water.
  • If it survives, the fish may mate and create a destructive new species: If that isn't scary enough, they tin can mate with other species and create a species that was never meant to be. Kind of like fooling around with mother nature. We all know how fooling with mother nature is never a proficient idea.
Dumping fish into bodies of water is never a good idea. Don't fool with Mother Nature.

Dumping fish into bodies of h2o is never a good thought. Don't fool with Female parent Nature.

Correct Ways to Dispose of Aquarium or Pet Fish

If fish are healthy, chances are you volition never take a problem getting rid of them if you continue these right ways to practice that in mind. Here are some practiced, non-harmful means to dispose of unwanted fish.

  • Find a fish society: Sometimes you tin can notice clubs of fish collectors who would be more than happy to assist find a new abode for your unwanted aquarium fish or fish you lot cannot accept any longer.
  • Contact pet shops: If you contact a pet shop or a place that specializes in the sale of aquarium, exotic or pet fish, y'all volition nearly probable observe 1 that tin can take the fish off your hands for y'all. Some might even pay for the fish.
  • List the fish on a bulletin board or online forum: Places like Craigslist tin be valuable for getting rid of fish. You may also be able to give the aquarium away to someone who really wants information technology if you demand to become rid of that besides.
  • Donate the fish to offices, nursing homes, or schools: Whatsoever public places where you lot think the atmosphere could be enriched by an aquarium total of fish may be the perfect place to donate your unwanted fish or those you cannot keep anymore. They volition probably be very happy to accept them off your hands, and you can probably take a revenue enhancement deduction as a charitable donation. It is a win-win.

What if My Fish Is Sick?

If a fish is sick, the just communication I was able to detect is to euthanize the fish humanely and dispose of it in a landfill. I estimate a search of the Net would exist in order to observe humane euthanasia methods for fish to exercise that. Y'all could too attempt contacting an animate being wellness professional person or the fish and wild animals section to see if they have whatever helpful advice.

Protect Our Waterways From Unwanted Fish

Keeping our waterways make clean and safe is important for futurity generations. Following these guidelines for getting rid of unwanted fish will aid to proceed waterways cleaner and healthier.

© 2013 KathyH

KathyH (author) from Waukesha, Wisconsin on August 05, 2018:

Hello Willard! That's practiced data to know! I approximate some other option is to try to re-dwelling fish with some other aquarium owner or collector. It would exist kind of sad to accept to impale them, though. It's a real dilemma! Thank you so much for commenting!

Willard McDougal on Baronial 05, 2018:

All of the pet stores I visit actually have signs saying they won't take donated fish. I tin can't think of one place that will take donated fish. I think the unpleasant truth is that nearly all fish that tin't be kept should be killed. Nobody wants to hear this, but this is the truth.

KathyH (author) from Waukesha, Wisconsin on October 11, 2013:

That's a not bad story, Crafty!:-) Then glad there was a happy end to it, too! Cheers so much for your great comment! :-)

CraftytotheCore on Oct 11, 2013:

Wow, I had never heard of this! Thanks for bringing information technology to low-cal. What a bang-up presentation in your Hub. I love the photos. I had a friend that owned a large common salt h2o tank. He took very good care of his fish. He had live rock, anemones, nemos, dorys, the works. He fifty-fifty had a clam. It was so absurd. But he was moving for a job transfer, so the local pet store agreed to have his fish. They didn't pay him though, merely he just wanted to make certain they got a skilful dwelling house. Last time I went down in that location, they were off to their new home and still thriving.

KathyH (author) from Waukesha, Wisconsin on March 24, 2013:

I totally hold flourish anyway! Cheers for reading and for your thoughtful comments! I experience the aforementioned style about whatever kind of pets, taking one in is a delivery and should be idea of this way. Glad y'all liked this. I was hoping to brand people think past writing it. Thanks again!

FlourishAnyway from USA on March 24, 2013:

Thank y'all for making people aware of the sad ramifications of "disposing" of their finned friends. Information technology's not out of sight out of mind ... for us or them either, poor creatures. Happy you provided options. I wish folks wouldn't take on responsibilities unless it's "forever."

KathyH (writer) from Waukesha, Wisconsin on February 27, 2013:

That is And so true, David! People have no idea the danger they can exist causing by flushing things like medications and old chemicals down toilets and pouring them into drains! I promise people get the message and dispose of things the RIGHT way! Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! :)

David Harder from Prescott, AZ on February 27, 2013:

A cracking read Kathy. Although the gigantic goldfish was tragically funny, it points out a behavior of our lodge that nosotros must address. Like our torso excrement, when nosotros flush the toilet we presume it's gone, forever! But alas, we flush medicines, toxic wastes (you know, the containers that were leaking under the sink), chemicals, and other harmful items downward the drain everyday. Once information technology'southward flushed, it gone - right? Your article is simply the tip of the iceberg - it's the things we can't run across below the waterline that are so unsafe!

KathyH (author) from Waukesha, Wisconsin on Feb 26, 2013:

I think nosotros did that once when we were kids likewise, Jackie! I think it was a very common style to get rid of fish because people didn't know not to practise that.

I exercise recall having 1 funeral for a fish when I was almost 10 or eleven, and we cached him (or her?) in a shoebox in the dorsum yard. I wonder if anyone ever dug that upwards and wondered what the heck information technology was! Thank you so much for commenting! :) I appreciate that!

KathyH (writer) from Waukesha, Wisconsin on Feb 26, 2013:

Cheers so much, Faith! Then glad yous got some data from this! :) Thanks for the great votes and shares, too. God Bless you, too. Thanks over again! :)

Jackie Lynnley from the cute south on February 26, 2013:

I still feel guilty but I did flush some lovable fish years ago! My kids would not take care of them and I was most crazy with them. I never even thought about putting them in a lake. Good thing I guess. Skilful info.

Faith Reaper from southern United states of america on February 26, 2013:

Wow, bully all-encompassing and insightful hub hither. Ah, sad too.

Voted up ++++ and sharing

God bless, Faith Reaper
